Low-maintenance pet: what to choose?

Low-maintenance pet: what to choose?

If you have ever thought about a companion and keep putting it off because of the cost of pet care. You can consider to adopt a low-maintenance pet.

In this article, we will get acquainted with several small pets that are easier to care for and cheaper to maintain. Here they are!

1. Guinea pig

These small animals can make great pets for families because they are considered the friendliest and cutest. Generally, guinea pigs live 5-6 years. They are very social animals and happier in pairs.

Guinea pigs need a diet with vitamin C, about 20% vegetables and 5% fruit. Help them out with a daily supplement. Also, clean food and water containers daily. Weekly cage maintenance is what they need extremely.

2. Rat

If you are looking for a small pet that do not need a lot of space, you should consider a rat. They are one of the smartest animals that have a personality in addition. Pet rats are clean, intelligent, enjoy human company and easy to maintain.

These omnivorous creatures love to eat vegetables, fresh fruits, grains, seeds or raisins. Commercial mixes are available in our web shop. Clean and fresh water is also needed every day.

 3. Fish

Fresh water fishes are less expensive and easier to care than other pets. They do not need a personal affection or attention that other pets need. However, there are important rules to keep your aquatic friend happy and healthy.

First, take in mind that fish are delicate pets and should be handled with care. General care tips, no matter what type of fish you own, include the following steps:

  • Provide enough space;
  • Keep the water clean and balanced;
  • Balanced diet;
  • Clean the tank regularly;
  • Comfortable environment.

     4. Bird

    There are several small birds to rank them as a low-maintenance pet: parakeets or budgies. These pets can make a delightful and great lifetime companions that are easy to care for. The following tips will help you raising a happy and healthy budgie:

    • Choose the right cage and warm room;
    • Keep the cage clean;
    • Provide an entertainment;
    • Provide a healthy diet;
    • Let them fly.

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